lzj3223 发表于 2012-8-11 02:30 只看TA 1楼 |
[三级] [法國/三級] 打屁股La Fessee[AVI/851.32 MB] ![]() 打屁股La Fessee (1976) by urfriend on Feb.06, 2012, under Classic Porno Movies Directed by: Burd Tranbaree Actors: Antoine Fontaine, Emmanuelle Pareze, Danielle Altenburger, Marie-Christine Chireix, Ellen Earl, Liliane Lemieuvre, Richard Lemieuvre, Corinne Lemoine, Catherine Ringer Language: French and English (2 audio tracks choice) Country: France Also known as: Etsi thelei kathe gynaika Description: Lusty lady love by soundly smacking her beautiful bottom as a prelude to their heated lovemaking. Thus discovering a passion for spanking as an expression of love and affection rather than punishment, he has since turned this revelation into a lucrative cottage industry. Review: Yes, a true classic, and one of the earliest Burd Tranbaree films (alias for Claude Bernard-Aubert). This film probably introduced a lot of viewers to the erotic possibilities of spanking. But you needn’t have a spanking fetish to enjoy the film — the spanking is often brief and nearly always a prelude to hot sex. The film is light-hearted and goofy, with some good humor. As was typical of the era, most of the hardcore footage is closeups that might or might not be inserts, although some are clearly the actress in the scene. This was still early for French hardcore, and some actresses were not willing to do hard scenes. Thankfully, many were. 精力充沛的女士喜欢通过揍她美丽的臀部来作为他们的激烈的性爱前奏。因此发现激情打屁股作为一种表达的爱意,而非惩罚,他已经转变成一个有利可图的启示家庭手工业。 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 网盘: 引用:851mb | 70mins | 769x576 | mp4 种子都测试过没有问题!右键另存为下不了的话就直接点击种子,注意不要迅雷下种子,用浏览器下! 引用:
引用:---由资源小组提供(本资源组努力为大家提供非AV性质的18限电影、电视剧、综艺节目) 引用:哎,,每次都是那么点红心,真心希望你的红心哦,你只需在下载种子前轻轻的点一下“感谢楼主”(就是左下角的大拇指)你们的鼓励就能化作俺的动力!!提前谢谢各位了 |
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hgsjack321 发表于 2012-8-11 02:53 只看TA 6楼 |
片名很有意思 打屁股 用力打 打肿来 更有弹性 |
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h2001w 发表于 2012-8-11 03:51 只看TA 8楼 |
为什么打屁股,个人认为,可以使其变为翘臀,这就是不打腰的道理。现在国人进步多了,开始打脸了,当然不能像打屁股那样,只是抹上水后拍打。再进步就有可能打屁股了,以便让人看出有腰 |
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cb55884957 发表于 2012-8-11 04:40 只看TA 9楼 |
从人类学的角度看,男人属于征服者,女人则属于被征服者。除了男人婆,大多数女性潜意识中总是喜欢幻想自己被人管教,幻想对象通常是兄长、男朋友、老师或者是异性上司。至于管教的方式,一般就是打屁股了。 没有一个女人会在神志清醒的状态下公开声称自己喜欢被人打屁股,但打屁股的确能给女人带来快感,却是女性心理学研究者经过近一个世纪考证所得出的权威结论。 女性心理学研究者认为:丰满的臀部是女性脂肪的囤积地,通过拍打臀部肌肉,可以刺激脑下垂体,释放一种类似鸦片的物质,这种物质带给女性的快感并不亚于做爱,而且从心理学的角度看,打屁股相对做爱,更为女性所容易接受。 |
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